「分子サイバネティクス領域に関連の深いご講演としましては、2018年に光合成したATPエネルギーでアクチン重合と膜変形を誘導する人工細胞の成果をNature Biotechnology で発表された Kwanwoo Shin先生が発表されます。
また、領域からは、村田/野村研のRichard Archerさんに人工多細胞について発表いただきます。
ワークショップへのご登録は こちら から,
“Korea-Japan joint workshop of Bottom-up Synthetic Biology”
Date: 2023/9/6 (Wed) 13:00–18:00
Location: ELSI, Tokyo institute of technology+ zoom (Hybrid)
Info: http://sci.jpn.org/acell_molbot/
Registration: https://t.co/FZqYRECKKi
13:00–13:45 Prof. Akira Kakugo (Kyoto University)
“Molecular swarm robot emerged from the collaboration of chemistry and biotechnology”
13:45–14:30 Prof. Kwanwoo Shin (Sogang University)
“Challenges and Perspectives for Building a cell de novo : From energy harvesting organelles to self- regenerative cell structures”
14:30–14:45 Dr. Richard J. Archer (Tohoku University)
“Self-assembly of lipid-based multicellular-like structures”
14:45–15:00 Nanami Takeuchi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
“Nucleic acid detection at femtomolar levels: Exploring probe-based nanopore technique”
15:00–15:15 Kanji Tomohara (The University of Tokyo)
“Liquid-liquid phase separation for artificial cells and artificial organelles”
15:15–15:30 Coffee break
15:30–16:15 Prof. Jeong Wook Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology)
“Cell-free Transcription Systems for Molecular Diagnostics and Genetic Parts Prototyping”
16:15–17:00 Prof. Masayuki Suetsugu (Rikkyo University)
“Reconstituted Replication Cycle System of Escherichia coli Genome for Cell Synthesis”
17:00–17:15 Dr. Alexandre Baccouche (JAMSTEC)
“Microfluidic tools for artificial cells production”
17:15–17:30 Shunnosuke Ban (The University of Tokyo)
“Updating parameters of in silico PURE system model (ePURE) based on experimental observations”
17:30–17:45 Katsumi Hagino (The University of Tokyo)
“Construction of in vitro 20 Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases regeneration system coupled with DNA replication”